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Members Public

The good news is I am still alive

The bad news is I forgot to tell you

Members Public

Just like building an app, this newsletter is a little chaotic

And just like an app, it's in beta and hopes to be more reliable

Members Public

I contain multi 'tudes

where have I been? where have YOU been

Members Public

You just keep showing up

as in creative endeavors, so too in friendship

Members Public

On a carousel

unlike last week's subhead, this time I actually am in an airport

Members Public

On taking a social media break

this is not an airport, you do not need to announce your departure

Members Public

The Great Social Media Wars of 2023

all will enter, none will survive

Members Public

We interrupt this broadcast to get self-indulgent

thank you for your patience during these difficult times

Members Public

Authenticity is a construct

find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real

Members Public

a brief history of the internet and everything

sorry if this is a long one, I hope you read it