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The Department of Inconvenient Truths

What's wrong with tech leadership?

Members Public

Meditations in an Emergency

With apologies to both Frank O'Hara and Don Draper

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On Wednesdays We Write

A brief note that asks: If I did it before, can I do it again?

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Sobbing on the Subway

On teaching yourself to see the world in a new way

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Selfie Loathing

That's me in the spotlight, hating social media

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The good news is I am still alive

The bad news is I forgot to tell you

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Just like building an app, this newsletter is a little chaotic

And just like an app, it's in beta and hopes to be more reliable

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I contain multi 'tudes

where have I been? where have YOU been

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You just keep showing up

as in creative endeavors, so too in friendship

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On a carousel

unlike last week's subhead, this time I actually am in an airport